Sunday, 11 December 2016

Third race: Star born.

Starborn are those born and living in space. Incredibly tall (averaging at 3m) and thin they live their entire lives in space often in their suit.
Native to free-fall enviroments the starborn navigate flawlessly and are adept at perceiving any dangers or faults around them.
However starborn are not trusted by those native to planets and their life in free-fall have rendered them frail with thin brittle bones.

Starborn band together on massive ships made from whatever parts they can scavenge, loot or buy. They grow quickly as starborn who finally breaks from the society that sees them as trash flee to these ships hoping to be accepted.
These bands are called Mar sar pirates, Mar Sar being the first planet where these ships were spotted. The children of Mar sar pirates are often modified through genetics to be resistant to radiation and the children quickly learn that to honor ones fellows is to survive.

The starborn lens can be applied to any character of any race.
The Mar sar pirate lens requires the starborn lens.

It would not be uncommon to take the terminally ill disadvantage to represent cancer, which is common amongs those living in high radiation.

Starborn template:

+1 Percetion. [5]
3d spatial sense. [1O]
Born spacer talent. (From THS) [5]

ST -3 [-30]
G-intolerance: Native to 0G. [-20]
Vulnerability (crushing damage, x2) [-30]
Skinny. [-5]
Social stigma: Minority group. [-10]

Mar sar pirate lens:

Radiation tolerance: PF (Divisor 2) [5]
higher personal tech level. TL 11. [5]

Sense of duty: Fellow Starborn. [-10]

3m tall nudists from outer space, now we are getting weird. While not really a race per say but more a lens the star born will operate as their own separate faction.

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